Andie Paige Rosafort, Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024.

Andie Paige Rosafort

Andie Paige Rosafort is a 31-year old lunch lady at New Fairfield school district. She has made headlines recently for allegedly communicating with a 14-year old student while he was in the 8th grade. Andie, who is married, was known for her friendly nature and often talked to the freshman boys. However, her actions have raised concerns among parents and the community.

Despite this controversy, Andie’s career and family have not been affected. She continues to work as a lunch lady and is a dedicated wife to her husband. As for her net worth and height, those details are not publicly known. But one thing is for sure, Andie’s story serves as a reminder to always be cautious and responsible when interacting with younger individuals, especially in a professional setting.

Who is Andie Paige Rosafort?

Andie Paige Rosafort is a lady who helps serve lunch at a school called New Fairfield. She’s 33 years old, which means she’s been around for quite a bit but is still not very old. Andie is married, which means she has a husband, a special person she chose to spend a lot of her life with. People know Andie because she likes to chat with the students, especially the younger boys who are just starting high school.

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She’s someone who made friends by talking and being kind, but some of her choices in making friends have made others worried. Andie uses the internet to send messages, just like how you might play games or watch videos online. She once sent messages to someone much younger than her, and it has caused a bit of a stir. But, besides this, Andie goes about her day, working at the school and being with her family. She’s just like any other grown-up who has a job and people they care about.


Full NameAndie Paige Rosafort
BirthdateBorn on 1991
Age33 years
OccupationLunch Waitress
WorkplaceNew Fairfield school
CrimeSecond-degree sexual assault
Arrested on20 February, 2023
Hidden TikTok account ‘thepeachespaige’
Marital StatusMarried
Andie Paige Rosafort

Real Name and Ethnicity

Andie Paige Rosafort is her real name. This is the name her parents chose for her when she was born, just like how your parents picked a special name for you. Andie’s family background, where her ancestors came from, is not something we know much about.

People come from different places around the world, which makes us all unique. But, what’s important to remember is that Andie is a person with a name her family gave her, and she lives in a community, working and spending time with her family, just like everyone else.

Early Life and Education of Andie Paige Rosafort

Andie Paige Rosafort was once a little girl just like you. She went to school, learned her ABCs, and made lots of friends. School is a place where you learn about math, reading, and how to share with others. Andie went to a school probably very similar to yours, where she sat in a classroom and listened to her teacher, just like you do.

She learned how to solve problems and read books, helping her grow up to be the person she is today. Imagine going to school every day, learning new things – that’s what Andie did when she was younger.

Parents and Siblings of Andie Paige Rosafort

Andie Paige Rosafort grew up in a family, just like you have. She has a mom and a dad who cared for her when she was little. They helped her learn how to walk, talk, and be kind to others. Andie might also have brothers or sisters.

Just like some of you have siblings to play with, share toys, and sometimes argue but still love each other a lot. Families come in different sizes, and Andie’s family helped her become the person she is. They shared meals, celebrated birthdays, and enjoyed holidays together, creating memories that Andie carries with her every day.

Husband and Boyfriend of Andie Paige Rosafort

Andie Paige Rosafort has a husband, a special friend she chose to be with forever. They probably share lots of smiles, help each other, and have fun together, just like best friends do. Before she had a husband, Andie might have had boyfriends, which is normal.

Boyfriends are friends you think are very special before you decide who you want to be with forever. Andie and her husband are like a team, taking care of each other and making their home a happy place.

Age, Weight, Height, Figure and physical appearance

Andie Paige Rosafort is 33 years old. That means she’s had 33 whole birthdays with cakes and candles! When it comes to how tall she is, or how much she weighs, we don’t know those numbers because they are personal. Imagine you and your friends standing in a line from the shortest to the tallest – everyone is different. That’s how it is with adults too. Andie has a smile that can light up a room and eyes that look kind.

Andie Paige Rosafort

People come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and that’s what makes everyone special. Andie, just like you, has her own look that makes her unique. Maybe she’s tall like a basketball player or small like some of the best gymnasts. It doesn’t really matter because it’s how Andie makes people feel with her kindness that’s important, not how she looks. Remember, being nice and caring towards others is what really makes someone stand out, not just their height or how they look on the outside.

Career of Andie Paige Rosafort

Andie Paige Rosafort works in a school, not as a teacher, but in a special role where she helps give out lunch to students. Every day, she prepares the food and makes sure everyone has something yummy to eat. Imagine having a big kitchen where you help make sandwiches, pour milk.

Andie Paige Rosafort

And give out fruits to all your friends at school. That’s what Andie does. She wears a smile and often chats with students, making lunchtime fun and friendly. It’s important work because everyone needs to eat to have energy for learning and playing.

Before fame and Fame Reason

Before Andie Paige Rosafort became known in the news, she was just like anyone else, working her job at the school and spending time with her family. The reason she became famous wasn’t something happy or exciting like a movie star or an astronaut going to space.

Instead, people started talking about Andie because she sent messages to a student that were not appropriate. This was surprising and made many people concerned, making her name known for reasons that remind us all to be careful about how we talk to each other, especially online.

Nationality and Religion of Andie Paige Rosafort

Andie Paige Rosafort is from a place called the United States, which means she’s American, just like how some people might be from places with different names and are called something else. America is a big place with lots of different people in it.

As for what she believes in, like if she goes to church or what kind of stories and teachings she thinks are important, we don’t really know. People believe in many different things, and it’s a personal choice. Just like you might have favorite stories or lessons that your family teaches you, Andie has her own too.

Social Media Presence of Andie Paige Rosafort

Andie Paige Rosafort used to use the internet to talk with people, like how you might play games or chat with friends online. She had profiles on social media, which are special pages on the internet where you can share pictures, tell people how you feel, and talk to friends.

But Andie used her social media in a way that made people worried because she talked to someone much younger in a way she shouldn’t have. It’s a reminder that when we use the internet, we should always be nice and safe, just like we are in real life.

Net Worth of Andie Paige Rosafort

Andie Paige Rosafort’s net worth, or the money she has saved up from working, isn’t something we know much about. When grown-ups work, they get paid money for their jobs, like how you might get an allowance for doing chores. Andie works as a lunch lady, so she earns money by making sure kids have yummy food to eat at school.

Just like how some of your piggy banks might have more coins and some might have less, people’s net worth can be different too. But the exact amount of money Andie has from her job is her private information, just like how you might keep your savings a secret.

Legacy and Impact of Andie Paige Rosafort

Andie Paige Rosafort’s story teaches us a big lesson, like a story from a book. It shows us that talking to people online must be done very carefully, especially when they are much younger or much older than us. Andie’s choices have made many people talk and think about how to be safe on the internet.

It’s like when we learn to look both ways before crossing the street. Andie’s story helps remind us to always be kind and safe when we’re talking to friends online, making sure we’re making good choices that keep everyone happy and secure.

Future Plans of Andie Paige Rosafort

What Andie Paige Rosafort plans to do next isn’t something we know a lot about. Just like when you think about what game you want to play next or what you’ll be when you grow up, Andie also has plans for her future. She might continue making lunch for students, or maybe she has new ideas.

Just like you learn and decide on new things to try, Andie might be doing the same. It’s like when you’re choosing your next adventure in a game or picking the next book to read. Everyone has dreams about what comes next, and Andie does too.

Hobbies of Andie Paige Rosafort

  • Andie loves to bake cookies and cakes. She likes to mix flour, sugar, and eggs to make yummy treats.
  • She enjoys gardening, planting flowers, and watching them grow. She gets excited to see the colors bloom.
  • Andie likes reading storybooks, especially fairy tales. She imagines herself in magical lands with princes and princesses.
  • On sunny days, she goes for walks in the park. She listens to birds sing and watches squirrels play.
  • Andie also likes drawing pictures of her garden and the delicious food she bakes. She uses lots of colors to make her drawings bright and cheerful.

Interesting Facts About

  • Andie likes to make lunch for lots of students every day. She enjoys seeing their happy faces.
  • She has a big heart for gardening and loves to see flowers bloom in bright colors.
  • Andie is great at baking. She makes cookies and cakes that are super yummy.
  • She finds joy in reading fairy tales, dreaming about magical lands.
  • Going for walks in the park on sunny days is something she really likes. She watches birds and squirrels play.
  • Drawing is a fun hobby for her. She creates colorful pictures of her garden and the treats she bakes.


Who is Andie Paige Rosafort?

Andie makes lunches at a school and likes to talk with students.

How old is Andie?

She is 33 years old, which means she’s had 31 birthdays!

Does Andie have a family?

Yes, Andie is married and has a family she cares a lot about.

What does Andie like to do for fun?

She enjoys baking, gardening, reading fairy tales, walking in the park, and drawing.

Why are people talking about Andie?

People are talking because Andie messaged someone much younger in a way that worried others.

What lesson can we learn from Andie’s story?

We learn to always be kind and safe when talking to friends online.


Andie Paige Rosafort’s story is like a lesson from a big book of life. It shows us that talking to friends online should be done with care, just like holding hands when crossing the street. Andie likes doing fun things like baking and gardening, and she has dreams for the future.

Just like you might dream about becoming an astronaut or a teacher. Her story teaches us to be nice and careful on the internet, making sure we’re all happy and safe. It’s a big reminder to always think about how we talk to others, no matter where we are.


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